Issues with Arch

Hello world,

So I’ve been setting up my Arch Linux. And I’ve tried adding my 2 HDDs and 1 SSD with 2 partitions to Steam.
I added the drives to the Fstab. Also then created the folders for them and restarted. And did su → chown accountname /home/accountname/drivefolder
But when I right click on the drives in either the home folder or in Other locations it says owner group root and nobody as owner.
And yes these are NTFS drives with hundreds of Gigabytes of data.

When I set my screens to 144Hz, the second screen set to 144Hz will always be flickering, even with 120Hz. I have a GTX 1070, is this an issue with Nouvaeu?

I’m unable to install langauges, the locale-gen in term doesn’t list any languages in the settings menu when I want to change the language of the system to something more human-readable. Some random things are in English, and I don’t know why.

alvast bedankt

What are your mounting options in fstab?
Did you set the permissions on the folder before or after it was mounted.

ls -al on “/home/accountname/drivefolder” and display the output. Since it is NTFS, you may need to set a mask in your mount options if your are not already doing that. I have not used NTFS on a *nix system since ~2008.

/home/accountname/drivefolder ntfs-3g defaults,locale=fi_FI.utf8 0 0
On all four of them.

the command lists all the items in the drives
All have: drwxrwxrwx 1 root root SIZE datemodified name

Nouveau drivers are non-viable for gaming and barely function for desktop use on Pascal and later GPUs. Use nVidia binary blob drivers until the new open source drivers are caught up, which won’t be any time soon.

NTFS has no real concept of file ownership afaik, so it’s a matter of how the drive is mounted. chown just won’t do anything to files on NTFS drives; I just tested and verified now, so don’t bother using that. Instead, when mounting, use the uid=1000 and gid=1000 options. This will set the user and group to 1000, which is usually what your user account is when setting up linux. Alternatively, you can enter the drives as root and copy the contents to drives using more linux-friendly filesystems from the terminal by using cp -r ./* /new/folder/location/ while inside the target drive
NTFS is also generally not recommended for daily use with linux, as performance is poor, and there are sometimes problems with writing to NTFS drives. I’ve had lots of problems with Windows drives misbehaving in windows after having been written to in a linux environment.


Well is gonna be another few hours to troubleshoot to maybe get the ABSOLUTELY PROPRIETARY drivers installed.

So I should put uid and gid=1000 in the fstab file? As I don’t have more drives to transfer files over to.

Yes, it should probably be something like ntfs-3g defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,locale=fi_FI.utf8 0 0
Better to get a new drive than risk data loss imo.

If you’re using a more mainstream Arch distro like Manjaro, there’s probably an applet to handle driver installation for you. Manjaro has the Hardware section of the Manjaro Settings Manager or something like that, I’d recommend you use that to autoinstall drivers. You won’t be gaming on Nouveau, afaik you can’t even go above the minimum gpu clocks.

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Well, I can try this on one of the drives with just backups. So nothing will be lost pretty much.

My Own Arch distro with GNOME DE for now, I just hate the new file explorer…

Nouveau has worked fine for now excluding the fact that I can’t run 2 monitors on 144Hz. I was able to watch TV series with Plex and watch youtube videos. I want to get these drives working so I can import my games library to try these drivers, it is probably going to be terrible. But atleast I would know.

I added the uid and gid 1000 to /etc/fstab and saved it, umounted it and remounted it to /home/user/drive restarted and well it still doesn’t show up in Steam as a folder.

I don’t think you can import libraries from windows to linux. I guarantee that games won’t run good, though, until you get nvidia binary blobs working.
The performance of the GPU will be less than 10%. It’s probably best to take it slow and not nuke your backups, just wait it out until you can test in a a better environment, or install a small game or two on your boot drive. The last thing you want is to do permanent damage to your normal computer usage just to try something new.

I was able to Stream NERTS online on Discord. So it worked well. Just very annoyed by the fact that I can’t see the drives in Steam under /home/user just don’t get listed there.

Back few years ago I ran Manjaro as dual boot, and back then I was able to see my drives by just plugging them in and Steam could show them in the browser. And that is how I was able to share the libraries. Worked well. Not going to download 72 games just for funs.

Just wondering, what I’ve missed here.

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Maybe it works now, but when I tried that years back, I had to manually point steam to the folder, do some voodoo magic(I think maybe rename the existing folder, create a new steam folder, and then copy the games, manifests, etc) and it still had to redownload a lot of the games.
It’s been a long time, though, so I could be wrong, or maybe I just did it wrong at the time.

Steam will not auto import your MS Windows games under GNU/Linux. You will have to explicitly add them in the Steam Settings menu.

Might be that I did that last time on Manjaro, but ways faster than redownloading all of them.