Issues Compiling & Running With Java 2 SE 1.3 On Linux Ubuntu

I’m trying to compile and run with Java 2 SE 1.3 on Linux Ubuntu, and it’s not working. When I try, I get this message for both compiling, and running.

/home/X/Desktop/jdk1.3.1_20/bin/i386/native_threads/javac: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any ideas?

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Any ideas?

You’re missing a shared library… and that one looks like it’s going to be hard to find. Old versions of java relied on shared libraries that used to be included in distros, but aren’t anymore. If you fix this one, you may find yourself having the same error message with other .so files.

This bug report makes it seem like it might be included in Java 1.6? If so, you should be able to to copy or link it. Otherwise, you’ll need to track it down somewhere else.

Good Luck!