I am following along with the tutorial for configuring HAProxy and certificates for internal domains. I am having trouble validating an acme certificate because my whole network by default connects to the internet through a VPN. When I go to validate the certificate it fails because the ip address returned is the VPN ip address and not my local internet provider ip address. I have tried forcing several different addresses out through the WAN but nothing has worked. I have tried the url with a blank and the domain and _acme-challenge.domain.net. I have also tried sending outbound1.letsencrypt.org and outbound2.letsencrypt.org. Nothing has worked. I would be grateful for any advice.
Which specific tutorial are you using?
Personally, I use nginx as my frontend proxy and use acme.sh in webroot mode with letsencrypt.
This works fine for me as it renews all my certs when needed and reloads nginx with new certs when necessary