Isnt't this about Star Trek ? honestly isnt this about good Teamplay?

To me TS was about the Team, especially Wedell and Logan in The Tek (funny and informative) or Wendell doing Linux and Server stuff or Logan built stuff for community people that can't afford it, the Game, and the music of curse. I don't was the most interested in WASD because there are a ton of great Gaming Channels i already watch. To put this in perspective, The Tek with Wendell and Logan was the Show i looked forward to the most every week, this includes Netflix stuff not just You Tube.
If you guys don't find a way to get back to the great quality this would be very sad, and i don't wanna be part of this any more. Here is why, You guys like Star Trek and the philosophy behind it, and you guys analyse the worlds actors by this standards. Now you guys are looked on by us if you can hold this standards your selves. Because we are all so great and hold this standards easily too? No, we don't. :(
But i try, i am inspired by this values, and it so happens that i meet a lot of people in the community that try also. And this is about the main theme of Star Trek - communication and solving conflict. You learned all about this in Star Trek, now don't let this mission fail.
Till then i had to stop my patreon to see how this situation gets resolved. Don't get this in the wrong way, it is just that i gave the money because you guys had a special channel and i personally looked up to you, and i don't see you guys (especially Logan it seams at the moment) deserve this trust from me. I don't brought the money in to get more videos, that are more fancy or what not. To be honest, when you two seam to be friends and such sit there talking to each other as your selves. That was fine for me. I never understood why the channel had to grow and all that, to me it looked like trying to play Supreme Comander 2 when SupComFAF already is nearly perfect. :(