Is Visual Basic still relevant? What alternatives are there for MS Office automation?

I recently found myself trying to write an Excel macro. Essentially the idea was to take a schedule in the form of a spreadsheet and create appointments in Outlook. This worked well in ‘old Outlook’, but I kept getting varied remote execution errors in ‘new Outlook’ - which appears to just be a UI to Outlook for the web.

The fix was odd but simple. By default, the macro was part of ‘VBAProject.’ Apparently Outlook for the Web will only run one VBA Project, and it must be named ‘VBAProject1.’ Whatever, problem solved.

But that raises a thornier issue. Since MS seems to be killing VBA by inches, what alternatives are there?

Side question…this seems like a security risk on a web server. What measures is Microsoft likely to take to protect those assets? And will they be remotely effective LOL?

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you are correct sir

We have good luck interfacing with Thunderbird