which one is better and what is ubuntu and linux?
Linux is a kernel the instruction set on how an operating system interacts with the hardware of the machine.
GNU is the userland that allows the user to interact with the kernel and software being ran on top of it. When GNU and Linux are combined you have an operating system.
Ubuntu Linux is a distribution of GNU/Linux. That mean it has extra software and drivers that base line Linux dosen't.
One is not better they are different. A normal user will not build straight Linux themselves.
If you want to know more read up on it because this post could be pages long explaining this.
On top of what Taco Bell said, there is also the naming convention to take into consideration.
These days, if you spell it "Linux" (with a capital 'L') it means you are referring to the kernel.
If you spell it "linux" it usually means that you are referring to a distribution which includes the kernel Linux and the GNU software. Another way to say that is GNU/Linux.
Ubuntu is a distribution of linux, of which there are hundreds. Another distribution you might have heard of is SteamOS. With linux you have the freedom to choose whatever suits you, isn't this fun?
oh sh*t yeah this is interesting! Thanks for answering my Q the easy way.
I have a high disdain for Ubuntu. Why? They explicitly cover up any relations they may have with Linux itself. As the others have said, Linux is the kernel of which everything is based upon, and trust me, you probably don't wanna run just the kernel as you'll want a graphical user interface. There are tons of distros out there. Take a tip from me, start with the "harder" distros; you'll learn so much. Here are my distro recommendations for Linux newcomers:
1. OpenSUSE
2. Korora
3. If you want a learning curve: Sabyon
4. Manjaro is pretty simple if you can learn the package manager.
What the others said is in fact true about it...
Ubuntu=POS based on the kernel. I can't say too much though as it introduces new users to Linux.
OpenSUSE is pretty easy. If you want something hard but still works go for Arch.
Think of Linux as a pizza
The Linux kernel is is the bread your base
GNU is the sauce that holds it together
Software is the toppings ans cheese what everyone wants.
Spices are the little tweaks that make a Distro unique.
I know. Suse and Korora are real easy. I do think the best way to learn about Linux would be to go with an LFS install... if ones up to it. I like Manjaro. It's simplicity at its best and it makes installing Arch a non hassle. Suse IMO is the best all round Linux distro. I'm trying out Manjaro 0.8.11 Cinnamon today, just to see if it's as good as everyone says it is.
I've never tried LFS. Is it basically like manually installing all the GNU applications or are there prebuild packages you can use?
Good explanation right here.
You compile everything from source.
At least until a package manager is compiled.
linux is technically the kernel, but can be used to describe (much to some's disapproval) any linux based operating system or environment. linux is based on unix philosophy and design, but is not unix. its code is open source and freely available to use, alter and redistribute and is what gives linux community. if anyone alters the code and wants to redistribute that code, the changes must be shared with the author of the code that was altered.
ubuntu is a very popular "linux distribution" that uses the linux kernel to make a fully functioning desktop environment that runs on a personal computer or server, or command line driven server, as well as some touch environments on more and more embedded devices. it's desktop environment interface is called unity which is specific to ubuntu. it is but one of many many linux distributions.