So I was browsing my local Craigslist, And saw this gem, think this is worth it to get all the hardware?
Probably not unless you're going to use them for some sort of project to learn something. If those are the Dell Dimension model I have they've got like a single core 2.0Ghz Pentium 4 (x86) with AGP graphics that can barely handle modern video browsing on youtube, and IDE for HDDs which you'd have to find those HDDs cause it says they're not included. But you'd have to call to find out if that's actually what they are.
The question is can you actually use any of it?
Thats a great question i didnt think of, at the very least i know i can use some of the video-cards he may have to put to a collection as well as a collection of processors, and im trying to find an old heat-sink to use as a coaster, so, humm, thats a great point.
These coasters work as good coasters. lol
Ask family/friends/etc if they have old PCs they're getting rid of?
all my family and friends either are all laptops, and I'm not one for wooden coasters, if i really wanted one of wood, ild just take some of my scrap 2x8 under my porch and chop some off.
You could run puppy linux on em...