Is this the best $1k gaming pc build?

can't change:

not changing hard drive, it's all i need

not dropping disc drive, i need it to install windows, and burn dvd's/cd's maybe

not changing mouse or k/b, they fit my needs for as low as possible

not changing monitor, it was as cheap as possible to fit my needs

not changing case, it was the only one that fit my needs for a reasonable price

need the mousepad not dropping it (besides i can chop that thing up and make 3-6 mousepads for only the $25 it costs)

not pirating windows, illegal, and tons of problems, i know this pc runs that, every 2 secs i get "windows might be fake. rah rah rah" and i've done about 101 things to fix it and nothing worked(didn't get worse thank god)


can change:

PSU. needs to be bronze and 450watt+ minimum

CPU, if it's AMD no dual core, if it's intel, nothing older than sandy bridge

ram needs to be ddr3 1600mhz with a cas latency no higher than 9 (so 0-9 is fine but cas 10+ isn't)

graphics card. it should be at least 192-256bit interface, b/c the 128bit cards start to choke at 1080p+(which i will run 1080p)

Mobo, has to be crossfire and sli capable (2-way+ [duh]) has to support USB 3.0 have 4 dimm slots and at least 6 total sata ports(2+ sata 3.0 4+ sata 2.0[unless it's an amd board, which seem to have no sata 2.0 ports)

What will you use this PC for?

it's for gaming

Will you be OC'ing?

slight possibility, but if i do at all it will be after warrenty (because i don't like voiding warrenties) which by then i'd probably have saved up enough to get a better CPU or w/e

I changed the i3 to an i5 because the extra cores will help in some games, and changed the PSU to a 600 watt incase you want to upgrade later, here it is.

Added a much nicer GPU and mobo, CPU is a quad core that will perform about the same as the i3, but if you buy a $30 hyper 212 evo, you could OC it.

Well, I'm just saying that this is what I'd honestly be going for. These parts will play nicely together. I think you'd enjoy this build, and you will have a little headroom to OC, even though you probably won't OC.

Board is techincallly 100% sli and cf compatible, but if you don't like running dual x8 speeds, choose whichever 990fx chipset board suits your fancy. 

+1, toast's build is better then mine.