Is this RAM usage normal? (3/8GB used)

Hi, this is how my PC uses ram in normal use (Chrome w/ 6 tabs, iTunes and Skype):

Is this normal or not? Should I get another 8GB RAM?


Thanks for the help.

That seems about right. RAM not being used is literally RAM being wasted. There are different types of RAM use though. Primarily active and standby . The number reported by Task Manager is the active amount although Windows will keep things in standby RAM as to not be wasting the extra RAM space available.

As you can see it says 4.1 GB in use and 3.9 GB available. If you look into Resource Monitor it will give you further details.

There's really only 257 MB available out of 8 GB. The reason why standby RAM isn't reported by Task Manager is because Windows will just wipe away whatever is in standby RAM if something needs to be in active RAM use.

I wouldn't upgrade to more RAM unless you actually have a good reason or just have money spend lol.

Oh, haha it's just that sometimes my Photoshop crashes after having a RAM spike? and games usualy make the RAM used around 7.5GB used total so yeah, is that normal too?

I guess it all depends. Normally Windows will throw up a warning saying it is running out of RAM, if its really a problem, and things may crash if you don't close some programs. I use Photoshop and Lightroom extensively and I've had all of my 8 GB being used up when doing heavy work in both of those plus some other applications.

If you're frequently using more than 90% of your RAM then I would upgrade. Me personally, I am going for 64 GB when I upgrade just because why hell not (and I will actually use it with virtual machines and/or RAM disks.)