Is this monitor good enough for gaming? I'm going to buy my first gaming rigs parts soon and i've gone a bit above the budget for it so I need a good, cheap monitor, is this good enough? And does anyone know if NCIX actually rises their prices if I don't buy something in 23 hours? It says that when I check my cart, is it true or BS?

Good enough? Probably. I was gaming on something like that at one point...a HP 2511x, similar specs, 1080p, 5ms..It was clear and looked good, but i always noticed alot of screen tearing, although that maybe just the normal for 60hz 1080p. I have since upgraded to the ROG Swift

I would recommend going for a Benq 2455 those are low priced and pretty nice. Only another 50 bucks and you got a better panel, 1ms, and alot of gaming type features

It's probably fine...  the specs look good enough, not sure of the quality of the panel and what not, but if it's all you can afford, it'll do the job.

I agree that'll probably be a better monitor in most regards, let's not pretend 1ms vs 5ms response time is going to make any real world difference lol.