Is this good?

This PC is for a friend of mine that wants a PC for school but every now and then play a game
His budget is $500-$600.
He also will not use it for programing. just for surfing and like I said games. 


Edit: I also need help for a case

also the OS is no problem

If the budged is 500-600 id aim a little higher

250gb ssd should be enough if he is just browsing, makes power point presentations and installs a few games and will enhance his general experience the most

7850 is enoug to play new games on high and comes with 2 free games

8120 is a octacore, should be fine for quite a while

The case doesnt matter that much if its a normal tower case, just take what you like and is cheap with a front intake, we`re doing nothing crazy here.

I think it's ok, though you should get faster ram if your going with an apu. An apu uses system ram for graphics as well so faster ram will be a plus. You could also fit into that budget a compatible graphics card so you can do a crossfire with your onboard graphics. I think it's compatible with a 6670 and a 6570 for crossfire. other than that a normal case and your good to go.

Dont get that psu it will be a piece of crap get a xfx

I would purchase a 6800K instead even though it's slightly more expensive.