Is this build good?

its my first build. looking to max everything with it.

Topic edited by MisteryAngel.


Yeah, it will max everything at 1080p and more but why not go for haswell (socket 1150) so you can do future upgrades.

haswell with better cooler and ram same price

CPU is good if you do not plan on upgrades in the near future and will OC well.

Check that cooler on that mobo I hear the Extreme are very thin and that's a heavy cooler!

Great memory

I would get an SSD like a Samsung 840 256GB

I would get a 9790 if gaming @ 1440p but if 1080p then a 9750 2gb

Case - personal choice, so no comment

PSU good choice and not over kill

Optic - well if you still need one, personally I don'd and prefer the look of a case without


Would not spend that much on a pair of logitech headphone!!!!

Else its all good.