Is this Build any good?

Hey, is this build any good?

[url=]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=]Price breakdown by merchant[/url] / [url=]Benchmarks[/url]

[b]CPU:[/b] [url=]AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor[/url] (£104.88 @ Aria PC)
[b]CPU Cooler:[/b] [url=]Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler[/url] (£24.99 @ Amazon UK)
[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=]Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 ATX AM3+ Motherboard[/url] (£105.50 @ Amazon UK)
[b]Memory:[/b] [url=]Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory[/url] (£47.96 @ Ebuyer)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=]Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] (£40.17 @ Amazon UK)
[b]Video Card:[/b] [url=]Gigabyte Radeon HD 7950 3GB Video Card[/url] (£240.98 @ Dabs)
[b]Case:[/b] [url=]Zalman Z11 Plus ATX Mid Tower Case[/url] (£47.99 @ Aria PC)
[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=]Corsair CX 600W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V Power Supply[/url] (£56.99 @ Amazon UK)
[b]Total:[/b] £669.46
[i](Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)[/i]
[i](Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-04-07 03:01 BST+0100)[/i]

I am in England, if that changes anything, I mainly plan on gaming and internet surfing, I also am hopefully going to be using it with Eyefinity at 4800x1600 restitution, thanks for any advice. 


Looks good, I would reccomend a 8350 over the 6300 but if the 6300 fits your budget better go for it! (the motherboard might be a little bit overkill for the 6300 though)

Thanks, from what I've heard the 8350 is only a smidge better than the 6300, but what do I know =P

This does look like a good build, but I do agree with DemonicPig about getting an 8350, but other than that it looks great. Good luck on the build :)

Hmmm, how much better is the 8350?

Sorry for the double post, I forgot someting. The 8350 is £50 more, is it worth that £50? What kind of FPS boost would I get in games?

I think the 8350 is probably only slightly better. If they were clocked at the same speed then there would be only a slight gap but if you have enough money you may as well get it, if not, you're not losing out on much and could always upgrade to one of their future CPU's as they actually stick with their boards for a while.

I would get the 8350 just as a precaution considering you are doing eyefinity. That 50 pound extra you would have to spend would last though.