Is this a good job picking parts?

I was wanting to build my pc around six months ago and things came up and I didn't enough money for the build.... We'll anyway. I just went on and saw how cheap GPU's have gotten. Everyone is about $50-$100 cheaper besides lowend ones like the 7770. And I picked out this build with a budget of $700Well here it is.

I picked the 2133mhz ram because for some reason it is only $30 more than a single stick of generic 4gb 1333mhz ram. It's got pleanty of good reviews so I thought what the hell.

The 8350 is about $50 out of my budget..... So I thought might as well got with the 8320 because it is about $50 cheaper. The chip is $40 more than the fx 6300.... Is there really a big difference? Also the motherboard has a tiny bit of overclocking head room so I figure I could get the 8320 to run at 4ghz so it would basicly be the same thing.

Is the PSU any good? It's pretty cheap at $50 with a $20 mail in rebate card.

Alright I picked the MSI OCed GHZ 7870 because the other cheaper 7870's seem to have a high failure rate in the reviews and other forums and this one seems okay.

I picked the Asus M5A97 R2.0 because It has everything I could possibly need and out of the box support for the FX 8320 which is something alot of other cheaper mobos seem to lack.

Well did I do okay? If didn't change around my build to what you see best.   


That PSU is not my top choice by any means. I'd get a Rosewill Hive 550 or Capstone 450 if I were you. I have cheaper recommendations, too, if needed.

The Rosewill HIVE series is really good!  I am running a HIVE-650 and a friend of mine is running a HIVE-750.  They are more expensive, but totally worth the money.


-Mesh-sleeved cables (look really nice)

-Strong, single 12V rail

-Active PFC

-It's Rosewill

Is being Rosewill a valid benefit? ;)

Thanks but I will probably get a lower wattage model because I don't think I will need a 750w.


I think it is :)  I have a Rosewill case too, and I just think they make good quality products.


Try the HIVE-550 like brennan suggested.

I could maybe deal with the extra $20. Thanks for the help but If I can't I would like the cheaper ones too please.

You don't, but all of the HIVE PSUs are going to be the same quality.

Overall, for the price, they pick great OEMs. I'm loving my Filco Majestouch, I mean Rosewill RK900 R1 ;)