No. A custom PC is your best choice. the GPU of that system is a GT 640 which isn't really meant for gaming. look for something that is a GTX for nvidia crads. if just gaming, 8 gb of 1600mhx ram is pretty much all you need. the i7 is a pretty good cpu but a 3570k will do good especially if you OC it. you can go with AMD which i know little of. if you could give us a budget then maybe someone could make a build for you. (i would try to, but more people out there have more knowledge.) :D
The thing is I already purchased the computer I linked above. Im playing some games now and it seems alright. But If at a later date i upgrade the Graphics card, would the rest of the computer specs be good? or is there anything else that would require upgrading if i want to play games at max setting?
The only part lacking is your video card. Swap that out with a good one and you are set, although you will probably need a new power supply for it too.