I have found this PC on Amazon...Everything on there seems to be good for what I want to do (not much serious gaming, and on low/medium settings).
Considering it comes with Windows and a decent monitor....Am i missing something which justifies such a low price?? |Thanks :))
GPU kinda sucks typically you can build cheaper than buying pre built
its low priced becase it has a £40 video card(thats the same power as a APU) a crap old mobo (i can tell becase it has no sata iii 6gb/s connectivity and probably a house burning power supply and bog standard oem ram sticks
ADMI Limited are the Amazon branch of AWD-IT. Who are notorious for not sending the items out to the buyers, and owe thousands to customers. Be careful when buying from them, although I haven't tried their Amazon branch, I'd look elsewhere, or build my own.
Also I'd avoid the Radeon 6670's as I had one and it sucked tbh. a Radeon 7770/7850 or a GeForce GTX 650/650ti would be much better.
Yeah....Ive looked into building my own and it really doesnt seem worth it. If i lived in America i so would, but getting the parts for a good price, and in a reasonable amount of time is impossible here. Buying one pre built is my best option
You could easily get the stuff delivered if you bought them from Amazon UK. You use the free month trial of amazon prime (free next day delivery) If not what are you willing to spend on a PC (and monitor etc?) I'll have a quick check
Others are saying the GPU.
Not only that but I find these builds are made and sold on eBay and such website by individuals.
A friend bought one before, they installed the cheapest Motherboard, slow, but large amount of RAM, a super cheap PSU and skimped on anything they could.
I'd always suggest building your own, not only will you get better value for money, but you know what parts are going inside it.
http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1kcUQ - here's a build for you. I know you probably still want a pre-built PC but you'll be paying an extra £100 or so for cheaper parts. And anyway, building a pc is an extremely fun experience. You may not need a monitor, so you could take off £90 for that, and you could swap the power supply for a cheaper one (always go 80+ certified) and make sure you'll have enough wattage for the system.
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