Is this a good andriod tablet?

Hello everyone,

I was considering getting a Tegra Note 7 by Nvidia to use as an adriod tablet for media, gaming, internet browsing and emails etc. As I live in the UK I would have to get the Advent version of it which is exactly the same from the EVGA or XOLO version of it.

I was simply wondering whether it would be a good tablet to buy and if anyone has it whether they would recommend it over the Nexus 7.

I was reading some reviews saying that they would rather a higher resolution display. So I was wondering what your thoughts are on it and should I get it instead of the Nexus 7. The Tegra Note 7 is £60 cheaper than the Nexus 7.

Link of the Tegra Note 7 from PC world:

What are your thoughts and would you have any recommendations?

I have both the Nexus 7 2012 and 2013. Of course the Nexus 7 is superior from display but Tegra 7 has an acceptable display though. In my opinion, I would choose Nexus 7 but I am biased towards it.

If you want a front speaker then Tegra 7 isn't that bad. I believe it has a stylus but that depends on your usage. If you can justify saving £60 on slightly cheaper quality then go for the Tegra 

Here one review on youtube:

I returned the tegra 7 because with the kit kat update made it so the SD storage was unusable. The thing only comes with 16 gb on it at all. Nexus has none. So for a web browser or w/e the Tegra and Nexus are fine (Tegra over Nexus IMO) from a productivity standpoint get a Asus or Dell tablet.

KitKat is going to do that on every device it was not a limitation of the Tegra 7. It is enforced by Google as part of Project Butter. In a effort to make Android more responsive and snappy they have forced all KitKat based roms to install to Internal storage and no option to go SD card storage. It means reduced load times and faster response times. and it is no going away. Sorry.


EDIT: Back on topic, I can completely recommend the Nexus 7. Got one for my Mum last Christmas and it is a really nice, fast, solid device. Proper sense of quality from it. 

I prefer the Nexus 7, gotta factor in the RAM, the Tegra's have 1gb and the Nexus 7 has 2gb, which just means you can have more apps open, which I like. That and the screen on the nexus is brilliant.


i vote for the tegra. i personally have one. i'm not one to care about the "limited" 16GB of storage. i havent used anywhere near that much. for those whining about it, join nvidia developer zone, get approved for tegra development and download and old android image for the note 7.

I did not like the screen on the Tegra. 

I went for the Nexus 10 (got a really good price on a referb unit from Dabs). but if I had of gone for a smaller size I would have picked the Nexus 7. 

Go to PC world and do a side by side comparison yourself?

Have you considered a windows 8.1 tablet? I think its about the same cost. I have the asus t100 and love it.