Is there interest in cooling fan specs data base here?

Looking for a fan specs data base in windows Access data base form . I have part of one and wish to complete the gaps. Another way is to post it here if there is interest. So if there's interest... and if possible, could it be added to by anyone to build it up ... and to copy for own use.?? it's a mdb file. or is there already one?

there's always interest.

Yes, I would say that I am interested, although using Access is kind of weird. I have an old version of 2003 on my home computer. I would go with SQL Server since the basic version (SQL Express) is free. You can go MySQL, but if you use some stupid PHP web-based interface I will hunt you down and kill you.

Otherwise, yeah this sounds like a totally cool idea. We could add info from other parts of the web (that water-cooling guy had tons of fan specs on his site), and then have a useful multi-relational database to be able to quickly compare.

looks like I will have to do some homework first

The problem is though that the specs on the box seldom is very accurate compared to reality. In addition; most fan makers measure in different ways, there is no standard way to measure sound pressure for instance. And is seems like many who sell "enthusiast" stuff have no qualms lying through their teeth about specs. Serious testing has shown this. Problem is, fan testing is kinda hard, expensive and time consuming. So almost nobody does it :-/ Sooo a DB full of marketing spiel would be of limited use I'm afraid.

Yep Totally agree life is full of bullshit but you have to start digging to the top of all the BSData and see the light. It's called comparing "bullshit with bullshit" . I did my own research and came to that conclusion a long time ago, hence I started my own spread sheets and graphing charts, plus I know how to see past the fertilizer and research stuff other wise I wouldn't have bothered with websites and bought from glossy mags. I have only 20 or so fan specs so it's not the bible of fan data .... yet. lol. just thought of sharing some interesting plots. Its already brought up a problem, I haven't any idea how to load it anyway (on dial-up)..

Well if you are willing to try to shift through all the marketing, I say more power to you! Any work you do would probably be very appreciated :)