Is there any reason I shouldn't buy this card?,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

The price is right.

I would really like to have the 8gb for modding skyrim and GTA V.

All I have is a 1080p samsung tv, so no need for 4k really. Although, I feel this card could handle many games in 4k.

I may buy this card today.

Here's my current build:

You should check how it compares to the 390, the 390 is a bit cheaper and still has it's 8gbs of VRAM

the only difference really between the the 290x and 390x/390 is that one has full on support for DX12 and has massive clock-speeds. the other doesn't. (290x being the one that doesn't of course).

If you're willing to spend 350 dollars on a 290x 8GiB card. i would really recommend you push your attention towards the 390. it's new and has support for DX12.

yeah, i would go with the 390. seems to beat the 290x in most games.

MSI V.S Sapphire


they're both good. the only difference between them is the MSI is extremely overclocked out the box compared to the Sapphire and every other 390 model. 1100mhz of horsepower. and 1500mhz on the memory. (or 6000mhz if you want to get technical.)

A any good 390 will outpace a 290x, and considering that the 390 is a beast at over clocking and at the same price, while the saphire 290x 8gb is fantastic, the 390 is just ~5%-10% faster depending on clock speeds

And the MSI has a backplate.

that too. i always forget about the darn backplate. :/

definitely check out the 390 MSI model then.

lots of reasons (390 links):