Currently, I'm using find to get the contents of a few directories, and save the directories, file names, and file contents to a lua table.
The Lua table looks like:
Paths = {
["path/to/files] = {
file contents
]], -- other files
["other/path/to/files"] = {...}
The find command I'm running is:
find {hierarchy1,hierarcy2} -type d -or -type f
This gets all of the files and folders, but recurses down into the first sub directory before returning file names. I do get the files in the top level directory; but those get listed last for each hierarchy, throwing off the desired hierarchy for the lua file. I tried tree, and that does all of the operations in the correct order, but gives full paths for each file when not printing with a tree structure. Is there anyway to control the recursion in find?
could you show me an example of the output you get currently.
Sure, the output I'm getting is:
DialogueSystem DialogueSystem/Private DialogueSystem/Private/DialogueSystemPrivatePCH.h DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/DialoguesGameMode.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/DialoguesCharacter.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/DialogueActor.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/UDialogueHUD.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/DialogueChoiceStyles.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/DialogueHUD.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/BanterHUD.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/SBanterUI.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/UDialogueChoice.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/DialogueChoiceWidgetStyle.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/SDialogueChoiceUI.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/UI/BaseDialogueHUD.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/Conversations DialogueSystem/Private/Dialogues/Conversations/BaseDialogue.cpp DialogueSystem/Private/DialogueSystem.cppDialogueSystem/DialogueSystem.Build.cs DialogueSystem/Public DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/DialoguesCharacter.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/TArrayHelper.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/DialogueActor.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/UDialogueHUD.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/BanterHUD.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/SBanterUI.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/DialogueChoiceStyles.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/SDialogueChoiceUI.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/AdvanceDialogueDelegate.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/DialogueHUD.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/DialogueChoiceWidgetStyle.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/BaseDialogueHUD.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/UI/UDialogueChoice.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/Typedefs.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/DialoguesGameMode.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/Conversations DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/Conversations/DialogueNode.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/Conversations/BaseDialogue.h DialogueSystem/Public/Dialogues/Conversations/DialogueMode.h DialogueSystem/Public/DialogueSystem.h Messenger Messenger/Private Messenger/Private/Messenger.cpp Messenger/Private/MessengerPrivatePCH.h Messenger/Public Messenger/Public/Messenger.hMessenger/Messenger.Build.cs
It goes straight into the first sub-folder, before outputting files in the root folder.
Does this post on stackoverflow cover your problem? There is a solution to use the -depth option to make it process the files in a folder first, before processing the subfolders.
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Yeah, that's closer to what I'm looking for. I tried the -depth option earlier, and it is still a bit off. Looks like doing a IDFS search is the best I'll get with find. Some of the other suggestions on there look promising as well.
Time to have fun with recursive functions!
This looks like a good solution. Only problem is it breaks compatibility with Bash.
linux, find
This is what ended up working in the end:
contents="$( find {DialogueSystem,Messenger} \
! -name . -type d -print -exec sh -c \
'find "$1" -maxdepth 1 ! -type d' {} {} \; )"
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March 2, 2017, 7:26pm
Finding the answer by posting on this forum and reading other people's problems: 6 days.
Reading the man page: -maxdepth is at the beginning of the man page, that would take you about 10-20 minutes to read.
Conclusion: read the manual, it will save you time.
I didn't think about chaining find calls together.