Is the 280x a good deal?

 I have been looking at upgrading my graphics card to a 280x from a GTX 660 but I have a few questions about it,

  1. Is it good bang for the buck
  2. Should I move over to AMD seeing as there has been a few issues with recent games, such a watch_dogs not running well on AMD cards? (I have used AMD before, but a long time ago.)
  3. Will my cpu bottleneck the card, I have a i5 2400 (not the best for gaming but I got it cheap when it came out) but I'm not sure whether the old i5 will hold the 280x back?


1. Yes, especially if you overclock.

2. Hopefully, those problems should be fixed. Although, the thing about Watch doges is that it's an all around shitty port. Still, I think that driver updates should go a long way in improving it.

3. In most games, no. If you had an unlocked model and could overclock it, that would work great. But still, in most games, if not all, you should be fine.

Actually people were having better results with watch dogs on AMD than on Nvidia..

Catalyst Driver 14.6 Was suppose to bring optimization for Watch Dogs. I can't vouch for that since I don't own a copy of Watch Dogs nor do I plan too in the foreseeable future.

I'm running a locked ivy bridge i5 with a 7970 and experience no  bbottleneck.