Is SmallTalk any useful?

Hi, I'm just sad because I failed a course on Programming Paradigms because I couldn't propperly design a program on Smalltalk language..

Along this year I learned C, C+, Haskell, Prolog and other stuff.. The point is I was really good at those languages, but now I need some kind of motivation as I feel REALLY frustrated about failing..

Also, I hate they don't teach any html or website designing.. I'm 22 and feel like crap.. Showld I drop school? Go learn some heavy duty stuff?


Thanks for replying.

Now that you understand C, C++, Haskell and Prolog you should be able to get into webprogramming yourself! There are nice Books and (for more modern-learners) webpages about this stuff.

Don't be frustrated - failing is a part of learning. (yes i know blablabla - everyone has to accept that for himself)

My recommendation would be, that you dive more into programming paradigms, than into new languages. - Languages are mostly syntax - programming paradigms are the next important thing behind understanding the syntax. (because those paradigms make your programm work (or work better))

Well, the good news is that nobody uses Smalltalk. It's an old language with really kooky syntax.  So no one will hold it against you for not knowing it or not knowing it very well.

The bad news is that Smalltalk is the antecedent of all Object Oriented languages, and knowing good OO analysis and design principles is very important.

If you did well in C++, then it sounds like you probably just had trouble with the syntax.  I would not worry too much about it.  Retake the class next semester.  Hopefully you will have a different professor who will do a better job teaching Smalltalk.

Don't drop out of school.  Finish your degree.  I had friends who dropped out and most of them really regret that they did.

what is SmallTalk? i'm a compsci student, and i've never heard of it.

You can learn HTML, CSS, and PHP easily if you know C, C++. Hasketll, and Prologue. Just go out and learn it. Being good at researching is the number one tool for a developer imho.

Thaks for the replies! Maybe I give up too easily :/

Lord Fauntleroy I'll bare that in mind