Is my PC upgrade plan good?

Hello all,

I have posted A LOT of topics lately and I have came up with a plan to upgrade my pc. I know going with a apu build was a bad idea but I just wanted something to work there and then. I would like to get off the apu asap but I do want a gpu before changing my cpu and mobo so here is my plan so far:

1) get a XFX HD 7770 so hep ingame fps and all round performance

2)after a long while/when I get enough money I will buy a decent lga 1155 motherboard for future upgradeability(if thats a word) and a intel pentium G680 for now.

3) upgrade to an i5 2500k or an i7 of some sort or something better and then leave it alone for a long time before I need to upgrade again.

this plan makes sense to me but I need some constructive criticism from another point of view.

many thanks so anyone who helps


hey harry.

isn it maybe a better idea wenn you want to buy a cheap setup now and upgrade cpu in the futures, as i read youre post, to go with an AMD  system AM3+ motherboard?instead of intel. cause the socket 1155 is end of life allready, and those mainboards ar expensive.

wenn you buy a decent AM3+ motherboard and a cheaper cpu like a phenom X4  then youre cheaper, then an intel setup, if you flash the bios of the mainboard to the latest version, and you want to upgrade youre cpu in the future, you only have to buy a new cpu then like an FX8350,  that saving you soo much money for now and esspecialy wenn you wannt to upgrade in the future. amd cpu´s like a FX8350 comparring to a i7 3770k r i5 3570k , is also much upgrade in the future. with the money you saving overall you can invest that into a better gpu.

just 2 of my cents

greetz Kira ☺


thanks :D

I'll take a look into what I can get

where do you live? maybe i can help you with it ☺

sry forget this question youre from uk haha :P

anyway first shot:

AMD Phenom II X4 965 black 69,99 pounds

Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3  77,00 pounds.

Club 3D radeon HD7870XT 171,62 pounds.

ofc the gpu can be cheaper but its a good bang for youre buck  a 7870 xt

you can use the other parts like ramm case psu from youre old build

yeah thats what I was going to do that

i chanced the motherboard, to a Gigabyte GA-970A-ud3  its 13 pounds more but comes with a better power phase design then the msi, so thats makes i worth it with eye on maybe a FX8350 in the future .

wenn gonne go with something like this setup, you get realy a good gaming system at the moment, and you can allways deside in the future wenn you have the money for it, to chance the cpu to a FX8350, wenn you update the bios to the latest version.

I never knew you could update the bios, might need to look into that. and thanks for the tips

my plessure;

yes updating the bios, is for the support of the FX 2.0 cpus. some 970 am3+ motherboards dont support FX2.0 out of box, you can easaly wenn you have a phenom allready,  go to the manufacterer website and then download the latest bios version, en update it, mostly there is a tool for it on the driver cd. wenn you buy a 970 board, the Asus R 2.0 boards supporting  FX2.0 out of box by the way they dont need bios updates.. but some boards maybe need for supporting FXx3xx FX2.0 philedriver out of box.  but its easy to do, and not realy nessasary as long as you stay with the Phenom

ahhhh ok ,I understand :)