I recently got hands on a dell Precision 690 for free. its had dual Intel Xeon Processor 5110
(4M Cache, 1.60 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB). 8x2gb 667 ecc FB ram, a Seagate cheetah 15k 73gb boot drive and also a Hitachi 7200 500gb drive. little research ive done on it says the cps are old, the socket is old but is it worth doing anything to it? I had windows 8.1 running on it and it sill runs snappy and does basic task fine but haven’t put any servers or workstation like stuff on it yet. Also is the case out dated, I like the look, has enough space for a small family and all the io and pci cut outs are in the right spots but is it still new enough to fit newer mother boards? I might just put modern hardware into it if everything else is too old.
Not really much you can do with it as it doesn't really support the 45nm quads.