Is my hardware up to par?


I have an R9 290 by ASUS GPU and an AMD FX 6300 CPU. I played Farcry 4 and I only got 30-35 fps on High settings. Is this normal or is my system underperforming?

Did you have all the gameworks crap enabled? If so disable it and you should see better framerates.
Also what resolution?

Gameworks does make it run worse but really you're being limited by your CPU. 6300 without an OC just isn't good on certain titles.

Your CPU needs to be running at well over 4ghz to do well in gaming at this point, and upgrading to an 8 core really isn't going to help

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Yes either oc the hell out of that 6300 or get a cpu with better per core performance... i recommend an i5 (ivy bridge or later [haswell or skylake are best right now though])

what resolution are you playing at I have a 6300 and a less powerful gpu and play everything at ultra with similar or better results, at standard definition mind you.

I play at 1080p res

What is that and how do I disable it?

You should be able to play at higher framerates than that. Gameworks are the HairWorks, HBAO+, PCSS, TXAA, and God Rays (basically all the unnecessary eye candy). Also, The 6300 is slightly under the recommended spec for that game so that is a slight bottleneck here.

That seems a bit low. Try turning down the shadows a bit, it could be optimization of the settings to fix your fps issues.

Games are mostly GPU dependent now a days, so as long as you're rocking 8GB of DDR3 RAM, a cpu that has 3-4 cores, and is around 3GHZ, you'll be good.

I have an FX-8350 and my bottleneck is still my gtx 970.

Shitting on Nvidia just for the sake of it is something of a national sport by now

That may be so but exactly how accurate are these "recommendations" they all seem to be recommending insane levels overkill as far as what processor is required.

Well, turns out when I optimized Farcry 4 through AMD Radeon settings it put all settings in Ultra. So I lowered it from Ultra to Very High and I got 60 fps with a mild OC on my CPU

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