Is my Gpu dying?

recently i've been getting blackscreens while playing games, mainly minecraft, but i odn't get  a popup or anything, the whole screen goes black besides the taskbar, and if i push the windows button the bar comes up, but it freezes, then if i do ctr+alt+del it goes into the screen and freezes there, and sometimes it bluescreens with the 0x00000116 code 

i checked event viewer and found this

but i dont' know what any of this means ._.


card - AMD XFX r7950

drivers - Catalyst Omega 14.12

           and lastest Beta drivers

Could you post your whole system config?

Sudden blackscreen often happen if your psu cannot provide the GPU with enough power, it might be that your psu is inadequate or dying.

NZXT hail90 850 Watt

i7 3770k @ 4.2 Ghz Kraken x60

XFX R7950

16 gb kingston hyperX beast 

1 hard drive 2 gb

1 disk drive [disconnected atm]

2x 140mm fan

2x 120mm fan

1x 200 mm fan

Drop back to a stable build of the drivers (not the Beta) and see if the problem persists.

Sounds to me like your card or some other component like RAM possibly is working itself loose when things warm up a bit. Therefore, I'd suggest trying the easy fixes first.

Unplug all power (don't just turn it off) and re-seat all cards and other devices like RAM. You'd be surprised how often this one simple act will fix things. You might even want to re-seat your CPU (APU) with some better heat sink compound and possibly even a better heat sink too. While in there, you might also want to blow out the dust and and any other debris that may be acting as heat insulation as well.

Next, check other connections like USB devices. Make sure you don't have a virus riddled thumb drive being used as a cache drive or that something isn't trying to suck all the power out of one USB port.

Next, make sure the problem isn't environmental. Check that there are no high-voltage sources too close to your equipment since things like fluorescent lights can, and have been known to cause problems like this.

Finally, I hope I don't have to point out checking the BIOS/EUFI settings. There are way too many things to consider here. But since it seems to be hardware related, I'd say make sure you haven't enabled something like over clocking with components that might not be able to handle it.

I don't know if any of that is going to help or not. Just throwing in my 2-cents worth of advice...


Well, that psu should be adequate for 2 of those pcs xD.

Some suggestions:

1. Can you reproduce the problem? Maybe be using a stress test like FurMark.

2. If you overclocked your GPU revert to stock clocks and test.

3. Try to lower your GPU clock or increase the core voltage with a afterburner or so.

4. If you have another psu lying around try that one.

5. If nothing works a: Test the GPU in another pc or b: Revert all overclocks (including CPU,Gpu,memory etc.), remove your video card drivers, clean your gpu drivers, install the latest stable (not beta) driver and test again. 

If the problem still occurs your gpu might in fact be growing derpy, if you cant rule out the psu that would also be a possibility.

i underclocked my CPU to 3.4 ghz, it seems stable, idk i'll keep posted, i also took apart my GPU and replaced the thermal paste with some antec one, idk which was the problem, imma see about reoverclcoking my cpu, and seeing what's up

According to recent user reports, it seems that the latest update for Windows has been causing a number of problems and errors for a small percentage of those who installed it. As of yet, there has been no word from Microsoft regarding this issue, however the problem seems to stem from KB 3004394, which is responsible for modifications to the Windows Root Certificate that cause it to search for bad root certificates on a daily basis.

Among other issues, users reported problems with MMC functions, Windows Defender and other general usability functions, including when running Task Manager. These problems failed to reoccur once the patch was uninstalled however. Following this some users recommended a manual download and install of the patch in question, which seemed to eliminate the problems that had previously been seen across their devices. KB 3004394 can be downloaded here.


(some of the reported problems are with the graphics aswell)