Is my CPU getting to old

Hey guys I have a Phenom ii X6 1045 that I have been using for close to 3 years now. When I received it was probably produced in 2010, so it is coming up on its 5th birthday. So guys I know Im not doing myself a favor and having this weak of a cpu, but it gets me by with games and tasks since I have a dedicated GPU. My question is is my cpu getting to old, because after hearing all these Intel fans saying AMD only lasts like two years it makes me feel like im playing with fire. So I was thinking on jumping up to a 8350 or 8320 when the next sales go on....what do you guys think.......p.s. I just upgraded my mobo to a gigabyte 970 so I can handle a upgrade.

if you got the cash, why not? but i doubt you'll notice too much a difference in gaming.

just run some games and benchmark it if its going to 100% in cpu usage maybe consider upgrading. Its right on par with the fx 6100 now so i would say it probably fine for now. If your overclocking then even better.

If you've got the cash and don't have anything else to spend it on sure. The 8320 is what my brother uses, never heard a complaint from him(he uses a 7870 for a gpu if it matters). 


Really though even as old and well slow-ish as your 1045t is its still good enough for today.  More and more games are using 4+ cores so your 6 core cpu is still okay.   One of my best friends uses the same cpu and he isn't gonna upgrade for a while unless he finds a really too good to pass up deal.


Honestly it may be money better spent to try and get a hold of a 280(7950) and upgrade your 7850, that would probably improve your gaming performance more than a 8320. 

Well im not sure if it would realy be worth it, to go with an FX cpu to be honnest, because these cpu´s are also showing theire age allready 3 years old.

If you want to see a big performance boost go with an i5.  The fx cpus are not much faster then the phenoms.  My friend with a 1045t and my friend with a fx 6300 both just bought i5 4690k's and they made a pretty big difference in games like Arma 3/dayz and CSGO.

From my experience with the AMD side of things.

I had a 1090T and went to a 8120 (OC'd to 8150 speeds) and although overall performance improved, the single core performance dropped noticeably.

Going to the 8350 (before OC) The performance jumped up a mile especially, mainly from the single core performance. 

If you want better performance, then moving to a Piledriver CPU will help. If you want the best, look at an Intel system.

They are old, but still perform pretty good. Plus he has the mobo he needs already it would cost a lot less than him buying all the stuff he'd need for an i5. 

yeah i agree. However it also depends a bit which gpu he is using offcourse.

OP, if you want a reference type thing this is what reddit is suggesting for various builds : 


Your cpu is in between the one used in the "next gen crusher"(860k) and "next gen exterminator"(fx-6300)


Heres a video that pits a 750k(which as the number suggests is weaker than the 860k) against an i5 4670k and the results are kinda surprising.


Hopefully this helps you decide what to do man.

I'd go. Phenom to FX is pretty big upgrade and FX are still beast CPU's. I regretted my upgrade from 8350 to 4770k, and then I regretted my decision going from 4770k to 5960x, but once I didn't regret was going from my Phenom 2 x4 840 to the 8350!

It is still fine to me though. it would last your for another 2 years at least in my opinion. Just upgrade the gpu to a 280x or something like that and you will be set. 

just wait for skylake  next year

I think that isnt a bad idea ☺

In this case that is what I'd be doing, if it isn't broken, don't fix it.

If you got a decent CPU cooler you should be able to over clock it a bit and get a little extra performance. AMD has new CPUs coming out 2016 and your 1045t will hold its own till then. I wouldn't consider Intel until the new AMD parts come out. 

Im not completely sure, but i thought that i have readed somewhere about issues with SLi performance in BF4. I think there are a few patches or what not. Maybe you could google about it.

But BF4 is an multithreaded game in the first place, it use 4 main threads, but is capable to utilize all availeble threads, thats why you see not much of a diffrence between both cpu´s. However, this change wenn you gonne do multiplayer, wenn you on a big map with 64 ppl server, with people fire rockets explosions and what not, then the game becomes more cpu bound, In this case, you should see bigger frame dips on the AMD then on the Intel, because the intel cpu´s have a better per core performance.

I assume that you look mainaly to your max frames, and not the minimum frames. Minimum frames is where the biggest diffrence is wenn it comes to intel vs amd.

MMO´s are mainaly cpu bound, thats why you allready see a bigger fps diffrence between both cpu´s.