Is my CPU core temp normal?

I have an Intel 3570K.

3 of my cpu cores are about the same, but then the 2nd core is about 10 degrees hotter at idle and about 5 degrees hotter under load. Is this normal?

I am not overclocking at the moment, and I have a Cooler Master 212 EVO on the CPU. 

Thanks in advance.


It us usual for there to be some variance among core temperatures. As long as none of them are running way hotter or over the recommended safe temperature you're okay. 

What are the actual temps you're seeing?

Well, as long as they never go above 60°C (140°F) then I don't think you have a problem.

At idle my temps for the 4 cores are 27, 37, 28, 26. The 37 degrees is on the 2nd core. It just seems like it's out of left field, that's why I'm asking. 

Well, as long as that 2nd core doesn't go above 60°C you should be fine.

Well, as long as that 2nd core doesn't go above 60°C you should be fine.

60 is for AMD. Intel critical temperature is 100c.

The single core being hotter means that you didn't apply your thermal compound correctly.

Take off your heatsink, clean it, and your CPU's IHS with rubbing alcohol, make sure it's really clean, then apply new thermal paste.

I personally use the pea method. But the line method works, too.

I have done this many times. Doing so did not effect my temps whatsoever, even when using a different thermal compound. The heatsink is mounted correctly. 

@Phantom: Geez? A 100°C? I'd be very nervous running a CPU at that temperature. To get those temps you'd have to run it without a heatsink!


You clearly were never around in the P4 days. Could take the heat sink off of a Pescott Chip and it still wouldn't throttle until 120c. Never any risk of that chip over heating :P

Anyway variances are expected and if you tried re-applying the TIM and it hasn't worked. Its most likely the TIM between the chip and the heat spreader, so I wouldn't worry about it.... Unless you wish to de-lid the chip

Have you ever ran Intel? The stock coolers themselves can run the CPU up to 80s and 90s. Haswell itself will throttle with the stock cooler because it will hit 100c during a stress test.

OP your heatsink is uneven for a temp difference like that. Take the heatsink off, tighten a little on one corner, then its diagonal opposite, then its adjacent, then its diagonal opposite. Keep going around like this until its tight. 

Temps are normal, that the second worker is hotter, will probably be because this worker is in use, and turbo´d up, while the other 3 cores, idle and clocked down. Disable intel speed step, and core parking, then check again.

This didn't do anything with regards to the disparity in temps. Idle is hotter, but that is to be expected. 

I was actually, the last Intel processor I owned was a 466Mhz Celeron. I've been using AMD processors exclusively since 2001. I don't remember any of my AMD chips ever being that hot. My Athlon 2400+ would run at 75°C sometimes, but it was mostly around 55-70. My friend had a 2.8GHz P4 at the time and I don't ever remember it getting that hot. But oh well, I personally don't have the nerve for temps like that. Haha.