Is my build good?

Hello all ! :D i would love to know if my build is good for running Skyrim, DayZ, Witcher 3 etc. I was told by some people i could definitely run these games and pretty much any other game i throw at it, but i would love to make sure before i go ahead and buy all the parts (:

Heres basically my overall build

But i also cannot decide which power supply would be the best. The EVGA SuperNova GS 650 Or
This one?

It looks totaly fine to me.
About the psu, the EVGA 650W GS will be totaly fine.
Its a single railed gold rated psu, make sure you buy the GS version.

The PSU is totally overkill but leaves room for upgrades sojust something to think about. Pretty solid build. Also would like to note that processor only supports memory up to 1600 so to run 1866 you'd have to overclock the memory controller which would be litterally pointless for a gaming focused build.

I agree with @MisteryAngel and @SoulFallen. Excellent choices.

So does that mean i cant use that ram or i could but ny system wouldnt use that much of it?

You can use it if you really want, you can even set it to 1866 if your motherboard supports overclocking its just pointless wear on the CPU. If you really like that ram and don't want to overclock the memory controller just set the speed to 1600 its no big deal either way as the wear would be minimal just thought it was worth noting.

8GB is an excellent size, and setting the memory down to 1600 won't hurt anything.

Thanks guys (: any idea what imm could look forward to running?
Skyrim with enb and lots of mods? Witcher 3?

Asus will most likely support 1866mhz on a pre selected profile.
So no worry's there.

Well about the gpu, you might concider to wait and see what the new AMD gpu´s are upto.
Basicly for 1080p the GTX970 is a great gpu there.

That 4GB card is going to help you more than anything else with Skyrim & lots of mods. I -don't- have nearly that much VRAM and my modded install of STEP + particulars suffers for it.

yeah a 290X is definitely not a bad choice for skyrim with heavy texture mods.
However the new AMD gpu´s are comming soon.

Certainly, I'd wait, that 290X will likely fall in price soon. I'd forgotten that.

its allready doing, in the US atleast.

Im saving up for it and should have it buy march (: would the prices have gone down by then? Ita currently $1500 for my entire build which includes an asus monitor, speakers, a gaming keyboard and mouse, and a gaming headset. Pretty sweet deal of you ask me

Probably quite a bit on the GPU yes.

As far as accessories, I'd get a different set of headphones and an Antlion. Nothing wrong with Logitech, just what I'd do.

Which headset would you reccomend? I would love to stay around the $50 mark

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I've been using the Razer Adaro Stereos for some months and I really love them. They're light, comfortable, sound great without an amp or sound card.

However, they're about $100.

Perhaps the savings on your GPU will merit the extra here?

does that 212 evo fit inside that case?

Im not sure, i believe so

PCP comes up with no incompatibilities, so that's a good indicator.