Hi all,
I have a low profile GTX 1650. I’m using it inside a small form factor case (lone industries l5) with HDPlex 200W PSU with 240W Laptop Charger. I run gentoo with 5.8.1 kernel and 450.66 Nvidia drivers. When I start any GPU intense tasks like blender or houdini my screen could freeze for 1-3 sec and I get Xid errors in dmesg.
something like this:
[ 3997.592458] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 8, pid=4267, Channel 00000020
[ 4074.978113] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 31, pid=4267, Ch 00000020, intr 00000000. MMU Fault: ENGINE GRAPHICS GPCCLIENT_PE_0 faulted @ 0x1_2cfbc000. Fault is of type FAULT_PRIV_VIOLATION ACCESS_TYPE_VIRT_READ
[ 4076.528453] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 31, pid=4267, Ch 00000020, intr 00000000. MMU Fault: ENGINE GRAPHICS GPCCLIENT_PE_0 faulted @ 0x1_1568c000. Fault is of type FAULT_INFO_TYPE_REGION_VIOLATION ACCESS_TYPE_VIRT_READ
so my question is:
Is It a hardware problem? could it be that my video card is dying? or maybe my 200w PSU is not powerful enough to run my system.
I don’t have a multimeter, but I could grub one from a hardware store but i never used one. what should I look for? And Is there good way to see hoe much power my system uses at the moment?
somthing like this would be a sure fire way to get an idea of what you’re pulling from the socket. Theres of course some efficiency losses involved with that number.
As for the multimeter, if you dont have one or dont know how to use one then maybe see if you know someone who does and can help you out.
Ok i got the electricity usage monitor. It shows only ~80-100 W of usage when the glitch happens. And only 170W with full CPU load. Does it mean that my 200W PSU is good and problem is in the video card?