Is McAfee an ok Antivirus?

I have 3 licenses and i need an antivirus for my new comp. Will Mcaffe do ok for a bit?


for like a year, sure. I was gonna say don't go and buy it, but it will be fine for a while


I would steer clear of McAss. They let to many viruses in

No. McAfee uses a shit ton of RAM. Switch to Avast. It's free and has a better detection rate, did I mention it uses 12MB of ram? McAfee uses 48+

so what do you suggest?

Avast! Avira MSE?


Avast hands down, or buy Vipre which is another one i would recommend

ALright installed Avast. I have high hopes using this in my build. Thanks


You beat me to it!

As soon as I saw the thrtead title in the feed I opened up YouTube and copied the link....