Linux is super easy to learn, because its so dynamic, its a lot more bleeding edge but stable than Windows ever could be, it has the latest tech ready in a matter of weeks normally in testing branches, but there are a few things you need to take into account when starting.
There is no one fits all distro - Ubuntu is the go to for a lot of new people, and it can give a bad taste to new users, it did with me and a lot of people on here, so use something like Manjaro, its a lovely distro that is constantly improving and only a few weeks behind Arch Linux (A very bleeding edge distro) you get more power than Ubuntu could give you with AUR and Pacman, and stuff like kernel swapping is a doddle with Arch in general, Performance/Battery Life/Stability is also higher to say you get new technology quick.
The days of all the programming stuff are over, a lot of distros come with GUI installers, some dont but they are very well documented on how to use terminal to install them, this is a better way to install Linux because you know whats going into the system and you can control this to a finite detail, of course you can still program with Linux but its not mandatory, Scripting is more common but again its very well documented.
No book will truely teach you Linux, chances are in your time with Linux you will run into something that a book cant teach you to fix, the community step in here, state your issues and they will try their best to help, but LPIC teaches it rather well, For programming in Linux use The Linux Programming Interface.
Go lone also, I have learned more going lone and I dont post as much as I used to do, dont be afraid to ask if you do need help and we all do at times, but try to research first you will find your answer quicker than asking, although ask here for a bit of a personal touch ;), youll always be safe on here asking questions, we have had a few people who have a go at new people, but they got told rather quick ;)
If you want freedom avoid Ubuntu or anything like that, they restrict you hell a PPA is going down soon for a DE, Arch based, Gentoo based or Debian will give you the best, I recommend Arch over anything these days, Manjaro as your distro you will be fine, the community there is also very friendly and helpful :)
But most of all just have fun and take your time, rushing does not get you anywhere, I am kind of leaving computers (Turning it into a hobby more than anything for now) and I will still use Linux as my driver, because it just works and works well :)
Have fun!