Is it worth to upgrade to Win10?

Is it worth it? All I'm going to do is play GTA 5, League of Legends, some other games, a touch of UDK Feb 2013 Beta 2 and general computer usage. I have seen many issues that came with Windows 10 but will it affect me?

It's all Subjective.. It all depends on how you define worth it.

Is it better than Windows 8.1 in terms of usability? Yes.

Do you have the start menu back? yes

Do you want to lose control of Windows updates? Probably not..

the better question is which GPU you have? Nvidia's are broken from my understanding, i have no clue if they have been fixed or not. AMD's work flawlessly.

As for effecting you? ehh as i mentioned it all depends.. there is massive paranoia from everyone that Microsoft is spying on you even though it's not true. and even if it were the features can be turned off in the Settings app.

Yeah I knew that Nvidia is broken due to a friend is unable to upgrade with his 980ti. I got the R9 290 Sapphire Tri X OC

Better question would be:

Is any version of Windows 'worth' upgrading to? Nope

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