Is it worth getting another 7870?

I saw a gigabyte 7870 ghz the other day on ncix (I live in Canada) for 179.99 and I was wondering if it is worth buying another to crossfire. I built this pc as my first windows computer in June, and I just love the power (compared to my macs.....). Should I wait until the next gen of graphics cards come out, or is it worth crossfiring two 7870s eventhough I recently built my computer. Just wondering because the price seems to be pretty good.

My current specs:

Fx 8350

xfx 7870 ghz

8gb 1866mhz ram


Corsair Cx 750 

And just double checking but you can crossfire cards that have the same gpu even if the manufactured companies are different?


Yes you can Xfire two different cards made from different companies.

Worth buying the second one? Even though its a great deal, I would wait for 9xxx series because having the two cards would be creating more heat and using more power.

I would agree that you should wait for the 9000 series, only to get a price drop on the 7*** series of cards. Because if you wait for the 9*** series they will be just as mucgh as the 7*** series was when they first released....

No, it's not worth it. Your current 7870 is probably worth roughly $150. Sell it and add in some money for a 7970.

+1 on this suggestion too.

Awesome thanks for the input! Yea I think Ill either do what you said or wait until the next gen.