Hello everyone!
Here is my build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1QcKn
I'm slowly buying the parts, already bought the video card, and i'm about to buy the ssd, i'll probably get all the parts by next month... but it's a good idea?
I've heard that some parts are DOA, and since i can't test them because i don't have all the parts for the pc, i'm wondering if it's smart to buy the parts separately or just wait a little bit and buy them all together... What's your take on this?
Thanks in advance for all the replies! Much appreciated.
Have a great day y'all! :)
I would wait and buy it all together just so that if there is that slight chance of something not working then you can find out, but then again if you will be getting them all within a month it shouldn't matter too much because you should be able to check them.
Also why are you buying thermal paste but are not getting an after market cooler?
Oh! Right thanks... forgot about that lol. Any suggestions on wich one i should get ?
the biggest reason to buy everything at the same time is that (with the exception of ram) things only get cheaper, so by buying things slowly you shoot yourself in the foot by getting older parts at higher prices
It depends on how much you want to spend, a solid option is the Hyper 212 EVO http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr2
or you could get the Dark Knight II http://pcpartpicker.com/part/xigmatek-cpu-cooler-darkknightiisd1283nighthawkedition
or you could spend more and look at the Noctua or Phanteks coolers, or even go for liquid cooling like the Corsair H100i.
+1 overlodnick
Its just as easy to save all the money up as it is to piece it together with the exception that you will more then likely save money in the long run by buying it all at once. cheaper parts, combined shipping if its not free etc etc.