Today I discovered this handy program called EasyTune 6, which has a overclocking functionality. For testing reasons I increased the FSB from 200MHz to 205MHz and everything seemed to remain stable, demonstrating that the program is capable of doing small overclocks. Later I discovered that the ram is also overclockable with this program but the only overclock it allows to pick was 1640Mhz. I have 1333MHz (EasyTune shows 1334Mhz) and increasing the Frequency to 1640 seems a bit to extreme. I have a decent case with decent airflow and would like to know if it's safe to oc to 1640 or if it will blow up my computer. I never oc'd Memory so my knowledge in this sector is limited.
I highly doubt it will blow up your computer, but OCing the memory should be done in the BIOS, and be prepared with Memtest86, and possibly other tools as memory errors can be difficult to detect. Unstable memory can corrupt the OS, and I highly recommend against OCing the memory inside the OS. I personally haven't done any memory overclocking, but from my understanding it's a real pain in the ass. On top of frequency and voltage you have to worry about, there is also the timings. The amount of DIMMs can also play a factor, as well as any FSB settings. You pretty much have to make sure the stars are aligned perfectly with the planets, but only on Tuesdays with a crescent moon. Though I hear some DIMMs are under-spec'd and can be OC'd pretty easily on auto settings.
Thank you for the reply. I guess I will stay away from ocing the memory and just buy better memory instead.