Is it possible to have a dual raid dual boot system?

I want to have 4 nvme SSDs. With a double RAID0 configuration.

So that on a RAID pool I want to install Windows and on the other Linux.

Is it possible?

A lot would depend on the firmware of your board.
I know in the older systems sscsi boards often had a 3rd party raid controller software that needed to be loaded as a stage in the boot procedure just after the bios post.
I would check with the boards manual or prose the question on the manufacturers support pages.

If you use software raid, probably. So long as you don’t try to share drives I don’t see any reason why software raid defined in one OS would have any impact the other. Aside from the usual bootloader shenanigans windows can throw at you when dual-booting that is.

If you use hardware raid, then it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth. Hardware raid, and honestly old school raid in general is often more trouble than its worth these days, but I don’t want to be the internet jackass who starts asking you why you’re doing the thing you want to do.


I know that I can do SW RAID on Linux to be bootable. Which I can set up via LVM or my prefered filesystem

But in windows how I can make a bootable RAID?

I’ve seen that there is a way via mobo, but is there any other different way?

For bootable Windows raid your options are limited to motherboard raid (which is actually just software raid but even worse) or hardware raid.
There’s not really an equivalent to LVM or mdadm for Windows unfortunately, which single handedly has helped sell more hardware raid controllers.

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