Is It Normal For A R9 290x to struggle in Witcher 2 @ Ultra w/ Ubersampling?

Is It Normal For A R9 290x to struggle in Witcher 2 @ Ultra w/ Ubersampling?

Basically, It's struggling to run the game in butter smooth frames with ubersampling option on. Especially, when in dialogue where the FPS dips to a crawling 27fps! I wanna know if this is just the game or something wrong with my card. Can I get some feedback from those who've played this game before? Thanks.

UPDATE: I am using a different setting this time. I am now back to umbersampling except this time it's set to UberSampling=1 in the .ini file instead of =2, and the AA settings is set to off. Now, in the AMD Catalyst Control Center, Morphological Filtering is set to ON.

It's essentially downsampling without having to mess with monitor drivers!

The game is now running at a better image quality but still at a playable fps.

Pretty sure it is the game.  That Ubersampling setting to me seems like a 'joke' of some kind.  It basically cripples anything its running on.  It completely destroyed my SLI GTX 680's.  Don't worry about it, its somewhat unattainable. 

*typo fixed*

"by" You mean "your" SLI'd 680s? Wow. Is it actually possible to run the game on Ultra w/ Ubersampling @ 60fps? Or that's just like a myth like the Unicorns?

Doesn't ubersampling up the texture resolution to something like 2-4k? I dunno, but I have 2 290 DCUII's and they couldn't play it smooth either XD

Interesting, I should try this out but I don't own the Witcher 2 :/ Good game?

Its probably the game i guess.

Yep its the game dont worry about it

I could run it fine at 1080p with ubersampling on on my 780 but stepping up to 1440p is a giant hit in fps so i generally leave it disabled

Yeah, after enduring the old mechanics of the original game Witcher 2 was quite welcome change. I was shocked that this is a DirectX 9 game. Like WTF? It's insane how good this game looks. Like Mass Effect games, my save file carried over to Witcher 2, badass.

Yeah, no. It's ridiculous. I wish there were other AA options for this game other than ON or Ubersampling. I'm using just regular AA in-game settings and enhance AA settings in AMD's control catalyst now.

Yeah, I can sleep soundly now.

i have the ASUS Radeon R9 290X DirectCU II OC , if you want, i will install the game and make some tests with different fan speed and OC settings

Uber-sammpling - no go for me - SLI 4gb 760's. I am at 2560x1600 though.

i made a comparison video with my ASUS R9 290x , here is the video :

Thank you for all the work you've done.

UPDATE: I am using a different setting this time. I am now back to umbersampling except this time it's set to UberSampling=1 in the .ini file instead of =2, and the AA settings is set to off. Now, in the AMD Catalyst Control Center, Morphological Filtering is set to ON.

It's essentially downsampling without having to mess with monitor drivers!

The game is now running at a better image quality but still at a playable fps.

i forgot to mention that i captured the video using Open Broadcaster Software (recording at 61 FPS to another HDD) then i used VEGAS PRO 13 to mess with the transitions and re-encoded the video for youtube upload... so the raw data is 3 times encoded :(

also, the capturing made the game drop with 10 FPS in some parts... sorry for the small GPUTweak window , i should have done a magnifying filter on that part of the youtube encoding.