Is it bad if my HDD are getting hot? they do it when i'm playing games for a while.
Is it bad if my HDD are getting hot? they do it when i'm playing games for a while.
Not necessarily, unless they overheat. Fast spinning HDD's get pretty hot though, like 50+ish degrees Celsius. 15krpm server grade HDD's get really hot in comparison to desktop HDD's though, nothing immediate to worry about lol
How hot does it get? a program like Defraggler/HWmonitor can report the temperate of drives.
does anyone know of a better program to see drive temperatures? I looked at my own and defraggler can't report the health of individual drives in my raid.
I don't Know about raid systems but siw (system information for windows) does a pretty good job of giving you info on almost everything, it's free.
That's the easiest way imo.
open hardware monitor should ,i think speed fan can do it also if you can find a program that can pull SMART data from the drive you can monitor it.
i will check my temperatures.