Is i3-3220 a good enough cpu for gaming?

Is i3-3220 good enough for gaming? would it bottleneck a gtx 660? and is video-editing and photoshop mostly based on the CPU or GPU?

i3 is plenty powerful for gaming, your 660 won't be bottlenecked.

No not good for gameing.... it may be a little better at video work haveing hyper threading but will still handle poor against a Quad Core cpu.  this cheap old amd Quad Core beats it 

.... the i3 is not hyperthreaded, however, games typically don't use many threads anyways, so it should do just fine for that.

for video editing, it really isn't good, although the CUDA is your 660 will make up for that.

The i3 is hyperthreaded



The Core i3 is indeed a HT cpu, the I5 doesnt have HT. the i7 does have.

But its realy depending on wich games you gonne play, if you play games that are not that heavy, and design for only 1 or 2 cores then you fine with an i3, do you wanne play heavier games. then you realy need a quadcore atleast. i think wenn it comes to video edditing it also a bit weak.

Better take a look at an I5 3570K for pure gaming. if you want heavy video editing and stuff then better take a look at a i7 3770K  or i7-3820... i dont know how the 3770 without K performs..

or just go  the cheaper but very good AMD solution FX8350 with a Decent 990FX chipset board.

I personaly would go with an amd setup. cause its cheaper , and those extra cores can be very usefull wenn video editing end stuff..

grtz Angel ☺

the 3220 is fine, but for the price a 6300 would be better



yeah forgot to mention that, the FX6300 with a decent 970 or 990FX board, als so a good option and ofc  the cheapest option.

the i3 should do fine

but nowadays a potato does just fine as a cpu (please dont insert a potato into your cpu socket)