Is dual booting Linux a good idea?

Another thing about the second GPU for passthrew and run Windows in a box. What I really like about it that lately it also seems to be very achievable to run MacOS just like Windows in a VM (and not having to bother with the hackintosh parts selection, just throw anything at it). So you’d have access to EVERY OS on the same machine, without rebooting and closing all your stuff.

This is ESPECIALLY good if you’re developer, either programming native mac apps, or ios apps, or cross-platform desktop apps.

While, yes… technically one would think you don’t need a GPU for that. I installed Windows in KVM without a GPU for passthrew and it’s not a fun experience to use it for anything serious. Because everything is lagging around your screen all the time.

So, I said that before. Maybe at some point… I’ll do it. Because, it seems so good! But it also costs $ and maybe I can continue living my life without gpu passthrew.

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