I'd like to hear from you guys. I've never played the game, but the sequel is coming out soon and I'm considering picking it up. For PC of course, so it's coming out a little later.
Thing is, I've heard only how challenging and vague it is. It seems like a game that you have to play to understand, and trying to describe it doesn't do it justice.
One thing don't buy it unless you have a controller its the worst port ever. I have it but I just couldnt play it as I dont have a controller. An example of this is that all the controls are explained in XBOX buttons so when they want you to press a button it says for example Y, which mean you have no clue what button on the keyboard they are talking about...
Oh yeah. Get a controller if you don't have one though. Dark Souls has a small mod section on the nexus as well. Try and get prepare to die edition because that comes with the DLC I think
Dark Souls is one of the best modern games you can get. Just be sure to get DSFix, and other stuff from its Nexus, as well as a controller (I use a DS3 myself), and you'll be golden. Also be sure to pick up DS2 on the PC, as it's just as amazing.
Okay, hints to all: when recommending Dark Souls, just point to two things: ZeroPunctuation's review and NexusMods Dark Souls PC mod page.
Nexus Mods: www.nexusmods.com/darksouls/?
I'd recommend downloading the managing app from Nexus Mods. And when it asks you to make an account and then only presents you with a page full of options to check that cost money, ignore them. Don't check anything, just click next, and you can get a free account with plenty of download speed.
Yes yes and yes again. I'm still yet to pick it up for PC but played it to death on console. I personally don't consider Dark Souls as difficult as everyone says, it's more a case of the game requiring you to be both patient and assertive. As long as you go in to the game knowing you will die often and are willing to learn how the game works, you'll have a lot of fun. You'll start off getting the crap kicked out of you, but after you've put in enough time you'll one shotting big enemies with ripostes and feeling like a badass.
That being said it does have it's flaws. In my opinion a few of the bosses are a little crappy and I HATE the Tomb of The Giants, but it's so good overall that I look past these things with ease. Definitely an all time favourite.
I'd recommend a rather hi-spec machine to play it on PC with all of the appropriate high-resolution texture packs installed. It is a bit of a monster once you've done that. But the game looks at least 200% better. It was a beautiful game to begin with, but when you've got fair polygon counts and textures mapped to exceed 2.5k display resolution... ...it's difficult to compare the two. You'll want a quad core processor at the minimum, and at least a GTX 770 for full frame rates. A 780 wouldn't be a bad idea either, as this game isn't spectacularly optimized. If you're going AMD, expect the necessities to be just as high for the highest resolution texture packs.