Is CS.GO a counterstrike game?

I have been playing a lot of CS:S these last few days and i was thinking about giving CS:GO a try. But i have heard people say that it feels more like COD and not really like a Counterstrike game. Can give som insight ? 

CS:GO is a very good game. it's basicly a refining of CS:S and with a few weapon changes and physics adjustments.  It definitely feels a bit more realistic than Source.  The community is really great and gives incentives to map makers.  It's damn cheap and worth a buy.  I definitely recommend this game to any fps fan.  If you ever want to do a few rounds, just hit me up, i'm always game.

Well its counter strike game for sure. But since the update of new camos makes it makes it feel like a cod. Cs has always been about gameplay but putting camos in, is just what treyarch have done to get an extra few dollars.

Also since the release of the new consoles i have noticed more screaming children on the game, There will most likely be more to come considering Cs is one of the most famous pc games and with all the console gamers migrating it will be the first game they go to.

But don't get me wrong its still a good game to play with a couple of mates.

As a guy who has played ~600 hrs of cs:go i can say its a good mix of cs:s and 1.6 :)

I personally hated cs:s but cs:go is in my oppinion fine, and the ingame Competative Match Making is an easy way to find good matches.

Also as the person above me noted, in game skins on weapons:  I can tell you have have not noticed anyone using them and neither of my friends are either (even though we probably will see some here and there it wont affect match making anyway. + the money they get from cs:go esports keys will go towards promoting tournaments for the game so i think its a win-win :)

Yeah, I think it's a good game... I used to play CS1.6, and starting to play CSGO the only thing I've really noticied are gun balance changes (FiveSeven is now less accurate - which I'm a little dissapointed about), and Sniper Rifle zoomed in crosshairs go blurry if you move. OH, and the weapon cammo's now, but this is just a cosmetic change, it doesn't have anything to do with the gameplay. Overall, I think the gameplay is pretty much the same. Although, it's been a few years since I've played CS1.6, so there may be more changes, but it's still the same game mechanics to me - running with knives, crouching makes crosshairs smaller, recoil, etc.

And, they also added incendiary grenades/molotovs, and a taser, but I've never seen anyone die from a taser, so I don't think anyone really uses them anyway....

Well. This seems very one sided. I'll have to buy it when i have the time to play it! 
Thanks for the answers! :)