I been having random DC from my games so I checked Speedtest to see if ping and what my up and down was.
I pay for 100 dowm 25 up and was getting 26 down and 13 up my ping was 172 . http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4076513513 (thats the speedtest.net results)
I checked using Comcast speedtest and got 98 down and 11 up ping 22 (http://stage.results.speedtest.comcast.net/result/775382624.png is the link to comcast tool.
The funny thing is its says my ip address is in Tucson, Arizona but i live in Alabama. here is ling to geo ip http://www.geoiptool.com/en/?ip=c-68-63-181-130.hsd1.az.comcast.net Do I need to try to contact comcast again I have no vpn or anything set up to make my ip adress diffrent.
Wish I had a net provider that ddint limit me to 300gigs a month