if anyone is playing the division and want to team up post your steam handle
Uplay: Vice_Stojcic
Starting to play in about 1 hour
Steam: extwofour
Uplay: extwofourveggie
Just started playing since beta. Level 8 yo
Uplay: DreadKaiser
3 Hours in, nearly Lv7 atm.
Nah I refuse to uplay
Looks like a funish mmo tho
Playing it
I quite enjoy it..
dislike bugginess which causes me to fall through floor though, you would think ubisoft could master that but it seems to be quite a common bug in most of their games.
maybe its an intentional 'floor is lava' subgame.
my uplay name is ralph.fonz ill be adding folks tongiht when i get home.
i dont understand why people hate on Uplay so much... all tom clancy games have been amazing.
What do you guys think of it? The beta seemed lackluster.
its pretty fun. i havent encountered bugs yet. although im only level 7
It's a legit link to a legit site, however, it is a reflink unique to each user. Reflnks are considered as spam, so please don't do it to whoever posted it.
Anyone else having the falling through floor issue?
Never had this bug happen for me. Played for about 40h now.
Only problem I have with the game: If I open sth. (e.g. browser) while the game is starting up, my screen stays black.
I've played it for around 51 hours so far and still have quite a bit left to do in the game such as finding all the collectibles and finishing off the last of the side quests but I've recently been spending most of my time in the Dark Zone farming phoenix coins from named enemies and hoping to get high end drops but as of yet my brother is more lucky as he's gotten 4 high ends compared to my 1 in the Dark Zone so far but I've still got 5 high end item in total but most of them are guns
Also a word of note encase anyone wants to buy the Pakhan signature LMG from the Advanced Weapons Vendor, it pretty much sucks especially in PVP as it takes ages to do any damage. I also have a high end Vector and I can drop two rouge agents in seconds but with the Pakhan, it takes longer to kill one person with half health.
yea after a while there are no reasons to buyguns if you are playing on hard. they have borderland style drops. however i would recommend it for 3-10 level
I think the Pakhan is the only weapon I've bought in the game but that was because I wanted a secondary high end automatic weapon for the Dark Zone in addition to the high end Vector so I could switch if I had to reload, which is pretty much after every kill given its small clip size and rate of fire. The Pakhan isn't all that bad as I haven't got a better secondary yet so I guess it is serving a purpose.
Bullet spongyness is a bit too much.
I think destiny could get away with the bullet spongyness as people could explain that away in their heads (force fields, ablative alien armour, hardened muscle density etc).
Given that these are regular joe's it doesnt quite work, having to spend 5 seconds of shooting someone in the face with an lmg does kind of ruin immersion :(
head shots should be 1 hit kills in any game that uses humans as the bad guys.(not withstanding the use of hellishly heavy armor) but for real i cant get into the division.
ok ki finally added afew of you
because the TEK is secretly farming our data. they work for the NSA!!!!!!!!!!
No, they should take as many shots as the developers seem fit best for their intended playstyle.
And I honestly don't see a way in Division how one-shot-head-shots should work with the gear and stats mechanics. Also the whole immersion argument is a very individual thing.