Is anyone else going to enjoy MasturDating today?

Some people call it "Valentine's day", others refer to it as "singles awareness day" this year I'm going to call it Sunday. Ever since I was old enough to like girls (I was around age 10. Now I'm in my early thirties) there has always been this pressure to have a date or to spend a shit ton of money on someone you are already with. This year I'm single as fuck and I'm totally stoked about it.

I'm going to talk a walk on the beach, randomly stop at whatever eatery I desire and enjoy some tasty viddles. Then, idk who cares? This day is about how much I love and appreciate me for once. Is anyone else going to show appreciation for themselves today? Tell me what you are doing for that special someone in your life.


Totally understand what you mean. If I was single it would be the same for me. I've never understood why people go so far out of their way for some made-up BS.

Luckily my gf is on the same wavelength as me. We couldn't hang out today, so we got Chik-Fil-A for dinner last night and went home and played Soma together. No fancy dinner, no overly-romantic nonsense, no dressing up, just some fried chicken and video games. If it were any other way I'd probably be single again today, because I don't like when girls expect extravagant things for some made-up bullshit.


I've been doing homework and jamming to Mastodon.

Gonna play some games later. Still a better love story than twilight. lol


Valentines day is bullshit. I hate the idea. The whole concept of it should be reserved for your anniversary with your significant other.

To me, it should be for everyone you care about, to give chocolate, go see movies, play games, and tell everyone you love, how much you really do love them. It's not about just one person. At least to me, that's how I celebrate it.


Been doing HW all day and listening to youtube videos and browsing the forum occasionally. Got work in two hours so gonna continue with HW.

Some people need a calendar to tell then to be nice to their spouse once in a while. But if I'm not showing love and gratitude on at least some kind of regular basis then we don't need to be together. I don't need a calendar to boss my feelings around. That's how I look at it.

Happy Valentines day TEK. Support your local florist. Buy youself a Rose, give one to them to as a thanks. They got into that biz for reasons beyond marketing bs. Treat yourself to some love. then treat those you love with well wishes. family, friends. Get yourself in a better place if you can. This is much better than all the hate we see these days. Thanks to OP ;)

I went out with the wife on monday so we wouldn't have to deal with people today

I went and saw DeadPool this morning. Enjoyed the hell out of it. Stay to the very end of the credits if you haven't seen it.

I've never had anyone to share the 14th with. To me it's just another day like all the rest. Nothing special, nothing note worthy. shrugs I'm perfectly OK with it too.

I wore pants today.

Pretty much the extent of my excitement for 14. Februar 2016.


MasturFully executed old chap!

I bought my girlfriend an Asus Transformer T100TAM, and she got me a Fractal Design Arc Mini R2.

I was about to pull the trigger on that case, too, on ebay a couple days ago. Luckily I held off.

bitch, i'm ENFP

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welp it was yesterday, but I treated myself to 8 hours of Minecraft

Sunday well spent

I just did some brushing up on your type.