I have one of them tablets model number SM-t800 with a cracked screen, now replacement screens are just not practical because they go for about as much as the device is worth. I feel as though its a shame to just toss in the trash though. is it possiple to fit it with a regular cheap lcd perhaps intended for a different tablet? The digitiser is a seperate part and goes 4 about $10
Is just the glass, digitizer, or LCD panel what is damaged?
If its the LCD you can forget about it, however, the other two are easier to replace. All that’s really needed is a heatgun, prying tool, and the replacement parts.
well an lcd pannel more or less accepts a standard signel so it should be possiple to connect a cheap non oled pannel with some alerations, this is what i’m interested in
The LCD panels have a ribbon cable connected to the main board. And often, these cables are not interchangeable. So unless you feel really confident in your soldering, wiring, and hacking skills I would not suggest that venture.
i am very much aware of this fact and of course I am quite capable with the iron
Sure, just find a tablet with the exact same dimensions that runs the same resolution and slap er in there then. Should be able to find a pinout for the display somewhere right? No? Well no big deal, just open up like 20 wikipedia tabs, whip out your multimeter and oscilloscope and figure it out.
But seriously, its not really going to happen. They just arent worth it. Even if you found a screen that you knew was compatible it would be a total PITA tracking down signalling and figuring out what you’re looking at. Unless you’re ben heck of course, in which case you wouldnt be here asking us if its possible. Even if it was somewhat simple, you could get a much better tablet for the same money that would be a much nicer experience overall. Your best bet is buying one for parts.
Its always possible.
The question should be if its probable.
Probability I will give him. He might actually be able to make it work, I dont know.
feasibility is 0/10
Doing it on the cheap will only mean you pour hours into making it happen. How much is your time worth? Mine is sure worth a lot more than working for less than minimum wage making up the difference of time/$ value.
I know its not the answer you’re looking for but I would either look at getting an older gen iPad or if that doesnt suit you a nexus 9 as those are tegras and are still relevant today even.
Do a Google Search for Samsung Galaxy Tab 9.5’ SM-T550.I highly recommended thi model as I have had it for 3÷ YeRs with no problems other Samsunhs Through and rigorous testing of every custom variant of Android they push to both their own devices and upstream Venders Like Verizon wireless (The Best Net Work hands Down)
Avoid Alphabet/Google Tablets and Smart6 of any product lineage as Good first generation Pixels both regular and XXl models use sub-par3 Motorola components and will cost you to s o ft. Moneu,aggravation and Hassel.