Irritating driver problem

Hey Guys and Girls,

I've been having a, I believe, driver problem which occurs after long gaming sessions on games like Battlefield, Farcry 3 and metro, if that helps at all. The screen randomly splits off into two pieces so the centre would become the edge and stuff like that. I have tried reinstalling drivers and my GPU temperatures rarely go above 70 because I always have the fan ramped up on it.

Here's a picture of what happens, sorry for the bad quality they're taken on my phone.

Heres some more:


If you know what's wrong with it/how to fix it, help would be appreciated!



what system what gpu?


I have a 2500k and 6870

Wow, that's really weird! Keep it, it's too cool!

Very sorry I have no sensible suggestions :|

How high of an overclock do you have?

I... Uhh....

Try installing older drivers. I had to install the Nvidia 320.14 drivers because 320.18 was causing random black outs on my screen. I don't know about AMD drivers, but try an older Beta release, or something.

I got rid of it because I thought it was the problem, yet the problem still exists :S

I updated to the newest drivers when I reinstalled them. No effect I don't think

check your gpu voltages see if they're undervolted

How do I do that?

My friend Andrew, who also runs a 2500k and a 6870 has the exact same issue. I don;t have any solutions for you but I wonder if it has something to do with those two parts? Seems very strange to me.

Things like this normally means it's a problem with your memory, because pixel data is clearly being stored in the wrong places.

It may not even be a driver problem, try running Memtest or Prime95 or something.