Irony or just me?

So Intel just announced this:

In there, they said that they have two cores sharing some L1 cache...just like AMD and calling it two cores: the exact thing AMD is being sued over if I am not mistaken. I realize this CPU is not made for the consumer market, but how is this any different?

I just thought this was kind of interesting and would like to hear your thoughts.

Its irony for sure

Over the past decade, the share stabilized at about 10% for AMD, and even though sometimes AMD came up with a better feature set, or hardware capabilities, NVIDIA remained as ‘king of the hill’.

Yeah... Exactly what we are seeing now... Same as the server market...
What is it with people buying shit?
As for the news itself, Intel really surprises me. They are really trying to jump into the GPU market. It will be interesting to see Intel VS Nvidia... Both lying to their costumers and both beating each other's market share... Will be really interesting...

If law sued is happening against Intel, they will just berry it in money and appeals and paperwork etc etc...

compairing AMD´s CMT to intels SMT, is like compairing apples to oranges.
next to that, intel does not marketing their mainstream i7´s like the 6700K as an octacore,
but just as a quadcore with HT, and thats exactly what it is.

But the lawsuit against AMD makes no sense to me either.
Because technicaly AMD has not done much wrong with their marketing, according to Buldozer / Vishera.

Actually QQ, who is filing the lawsuit?

It is some guy that is supposed to be independent, But I would be looking for a money trail from Intel or the Nvidiots, or at least a connection. But that is just my tin foil ten cents worth.

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The only factual point they could possibly make, is that a FX8 core does not perform like a true 8 core.
Because of the shared sources inside each module.
But i dont think, that such a point will stand in a lawsuit.
There are still 8 integer processing cores for that matter.

Fun fact, they need to prove damage, otherwise it doesn't matter. How FX8*** damaged the guy - I don't know. But he need to prove damage, so there will be compensation for that damage.

lol yeah a compensation for buying the wrong hardware?
That would be rediculous.

Exactly. That is exactly the reason why the lawsuit against Nvidia about 970 will never succeed as well. How are you damaged? Can't mod Minecraft to the point, where it's Almost dead.
Nvidia deserve to loose a couple of billion dollars because if their lies. They lost half percent market share...