
Hey Teksyndicate and everyone, I have a question, have you guys ever thought of creating an IRC channel? I know it's old school and all but I think it would be awesome to be able to talk to everyone live and all of us getting together and chatting instead of relying on a forum? I know a forum is fun and all too but for me this isn't really a way I want to talk to everyone. I enjoy these forums but I think having an IRC would be awesome too. So my question is, have you guys ever thought of making one? what's your stand point on having one? why isn't there one in the first place? or why isn't there one? 

there is one, it was at /chat but the web client is broke or something

if you have your own client i belive it's still functional, don't happen to know the address, could be but i don't think so

There used to be a #teksyndicate channel on freenode, but I think people didn't really use or know about it.



God, I haven't used IRC in at least 10 years, and haven't used it on a regular basis in probably 13 or 14.  Lot of late nights using mIRC when I was young.

I guess that makes me either weird or an Uber Geek, I still use irc...

I get on the IRC very rarely.

The last time I used IRC (which was in the early 2000s) you could still get mIRC for free. To me, IRC will always be the "ham radio" of the internet. I'll go and check the channel out sometime, it'll be fun to see if I can still remember the shortcut keys.

I think we should use the freenode IRC. also it CAN be integrated with the website via a little client. it might even be possible to use the freenode web client too.


Not having an IRC would be really odd IMHO most smaller review/media communities like TS usually always have an IRC.

Also really hard core nerds and geeks use IRC.

Hi all,

I have posted a month or two ago a similar topic in the Launch.  It will be very cool to have a dedicated server and if it gets promoted in the show I bet you guys there's going to be a ton of ppl using it. Plus think about it a single server in digital ocean is 5 bucks/m . I don't mind paying this and having a place where all of us gather and I believe there are others that think like me. Obviously if there is 1000 users we will need a bit more expensive box smth like the 15 bucks tier. Having our own server is an advantage we can run a ton of useful stuff on it like ssl for the irc, server an email box for everybody that uses it. Myself have got 5 servers running in D.Ocean. If everybody chips in for this we can even have our own VPN  to connect to the IRC for example. And the price is going to come down to probably 1 buck a month for 5 guys sharing one server. With very good connection (tested similar setup 8m up/7m down). It is so much cheaper and easier when it's a lot of us.

I am using a.t.m. nick: n37w  , hit me if you are interested.


background: L2 Linux Engineer


Also guys and you ladies that might be reading this, forgot to mention we can even make it jabber server instead of irc , it will be much much easier to integrate with the main teksyndicate website and supports Audio/Video/Conferencing when used with certain clients like jitsi for instance.  Had a similar spin up a week ago with openfire package.  It's very cool. So Logan being a lame windows user will be able to connect too :D cause honestly I am from those type a guys running irssi in a terminal to communicate with the world.

It will be very nice if we can get together in a IM platform with different rooms for gamers/linux ppl/developers/hackers and so on. Just really handy when you can join in and ask a question and smby half way across the world can help you with an answer right there on the spot. After all we are all a like and we have the interest of technology in common so I think It'll be fun.